
Killadeas Stone Figure




N 54° 26' 02.7"   W 007° 40' 59.4"

Nearest town


Grid Ref.

H 20556 53996

Map No.


Elevation a.s.l. (m)


Date of visit

Monday 18 June 2018

GPS Accuracy (m)

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The Bishop Stone is the first thing to be noticed upon entering the graveyard.

In the small graveyard on the side of the A47, in the tiny village of Killadeas, there are four very interesting items.
The most famous one is the Bishop Stone, but the other three stones are nonetheless worth the visit.

The first stone the visitors can see is the Bishop Stone, right at the entrance of the graveyard, under a tall tree. It's a regular block of stone with a human chubby face carved on the southwest side. The portion of stone under the chubby face has an interlaced pattern. The southeast side of the stone bears the incision of a crozier and a bell, hence the name of this stone.
It's 83 centimetres tall, 22.5 centimetres wide and 47 centimetres deep.

About 14.50 metres south (190°) of the Bishop Stone is the Holed Stone, sort of a stone doughnut with a rectangular hole cut in the centre. The shape of this hole suggests that this stone might have been a millstone or something like that. The stone is half buried vertically in the ground. It's 67 centimetres out of the ground, 1.10 metres wide and 27 centimetres thick. The rectangular hole measures 20 centimetres by 30 centimetres, and it's on the east-west (85°-265°) axis. The east face is rather finished, the west side is rough.

About 3.30 metres southwest (240°) of the Holed Stone is the Pillar Standing Stone which has a round section, very phallic, I'd say. This stone is 1.13 metres tall and has a diameter of about 41 centimetres.

About 4.50 metres north-northwest (350°) of the Standing Stone is the Cross Stone, a broad slab with a Maltese Cross enclosed in a raised circle with a diameter of 42 centimetres. A 46 centimetres long stem departs from the bottom of the circle towards the ground. The cross is carved on the east (80°) face of the slab, while the opposite face has 13 circular hollows, like small bullauns, with an average diameter of 10 centimetres.
This slab is 1.40 metres tall, 92 centimetres wide and 20 centimetres thick.

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