
The Stones in the Movies

Further details about the role that every monument has played in this movie are given at the links below.

The Quiet Man
Argosy Pictures (1952) - Directed by John Ford
Cast: John Wayne, Maureen O'Hara, Victor McLaglen, Barry Fitzgerald, Ward Bond, Arthur Shields
Synopsis: Sean Thornton, a former boxer from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, returns to his native Inisfree, Ireland, determined to buy back the thatched cottage where he was born and raised as a child. Sean has quit boxing after an accident on the ring when he killed his opponent, and has vowed never to fight again. Upon his arrival at the village Sean meets and falls in love with Mary Kate Danaher, the sister of the landowner Will Danaher. Will would like the land and the thatched cottage for himself, but the widow Tillane, who owns the land, accepts the bid from Sean. Will, in retaliation against Sean, refuses his consent to court and marry his sister Mary Kate. Sean benefits from the support of many locals, including the Catholic priest and the Protestant priest of the village, and the matchmaker Michaeleen Flynn who had known Sean since he was a baby. They plot against Will and convince him to let Sean and Mary marry so that the widow Tillane will marry him. Will agrees, but right after the marriage he finds out that the widow has never had any intention to marry Will, he understands the plot against him, and angry at everybody he refuses to grant her sister the dowry consisting in a large amount of money and furniture that Mary is so proud of. Overnight some villagers persuade Will to allow Mary to have her furniture, but can't have him to pay the money.
Mary asks Sean to confront her brother over the money, but Sean is trying to avoid any confrontation with the quick-tempered Will, because he knows a fight would start and he doesn't want to fight anymore. Mary is disappointed, leaves the home where they both live and jumps on a train to Dublin, in order to make Sean understand how angry at him she is. Sean arrives at the train station right on time to get Mary down the train and drag her home, forcing her to walk across fields and boreens up to her brother's farm. All the villagers follow the couple and are witnesses of Sean demanding the money from Will, who still refuses. At this refusal Sean throws Mary at Will's feet and says that without that money the marriage is invalid, according to the Irish custom. Will is ashamed and finally grants Sean the money, but Mary and Sean quickly burn the banknotes in a nearby furnace, proving that after all it wasn't the money they were after, but it was a matter of principle.
Mary is satisfied and walks back home. Will starts a long fistfight with Sean. The two drag themselves for miles, down to the village where they stop for a drink at the local pub. Over a pint of stout they declare mutual respect for each other, Sean delivers a final punch on Will's jaw and the fight is over. The two, now friends and drunk, walk to Sean's home, where a happy Mary prepares the dinner for them all.
All is quiet again in the village, and at last Will and the widow Tillane start courting each other under the vigilant eye of Michaeleen Flynn.
Monuments: Cong Market Cross
Cong Abbey
Ross Errilly Friary
Thoor Ballylee
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