The conditions of this site weren't very attractive. The road is only a couple of metres away, the field was in an awful state and brambles and dead tree branches were all over. The circle itself isn't in a good state either, with a poor look and with a stone fallen on the ground. The diameter of the circle is of 10 metres. Four stones are still standing on the east and south quarters, but there are no stones on the other half. One strange and unique feature of this circle is the presence of a small stone, 60 centimetres tall, in the centre of the circle. We've never seen something like that elsewhere. On this stone people use to leave some coins as offerings. The upright stones have heights from 1.5 to 2 metres and are about 1 metre wide. We'd have liked to see the ogham stone further northwest, but a group of barking dogs told us we weren't welcome. UPDATE: June 22th, 2013 - We tried a new visit to this stone circle. No major improvements, though. The grass around the stones had been recently mowed, but inside the circle itself the grass was at least 60 centimetres high. Consequently the smaller stones were almost invisible, that's a shame. We took new photographs of the circle, the first 8 photos of this pages are form the visit in 2003, the following 12 photos are from this new visit.