
Knockanduff Wedge Tomb




N 52° 09' 58.0"   W 007° 11' 49.4"

Nearest town


Grid Ref.

S 54993 01838

Map No.


Elevation a.s.l. (m)


Date of visit

Monday 18 June 2007

GPS Accuracy (m)

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The unbelievable beauty of this place cannot be described by any word or any photo, but this shot gets very close to it. We didn't want to leave.

I didn't reach this wedge tomb because the track was muddy and the access was almost impossible. I only took a photo from a distance and I registered the coordinates from the OS map.
I will try again if I have the chance to.

UPDATE: June 17th, 2013 - We came back to this tomb after almost 6 years. We found a man and we asked him for the permission to walk to the tomb, he didn't know of any tomb around here, but he said we were granted to go there if we knew where to go. This time the track to the tomb was dry and easy. We walked west for 350 metres until we reached a cattle gate to field. We opened the gate and walked to northwest (320°) for about 95 metres, up to these scattered stones.
The spot is of an unbelievable beauty, any description is powerless and even the photos don't do justice to this place, it looks like an old postcard. The tomb, on the other hand, is in a miserable conditions, it's hard to tell a thing from the other. It's on a low mound. I think I recognized the side stones that form the burial gallery. Many other little stones around the tomb and down the mound might be part of the cairn. There's no sign of anything that once was the capstone.
The tomb is about 12 metres long and about 8 metres wide. Those who look like the side stones form a corridor aligned northeast-southwest (20°-200°).
We stopped here for a while, enchanted by the magnificent view.

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