
Glencolmcille - Turas 5 Church




N 54° 43' 04.8"   W 008° 44' 19.44"

Nearest town

Gleann Cholm Cille

Grid Ref.

G 52404 85797

Map No.


Elevation a.s.l. (m)


Date of visit

Monday 12 June 2017

GPS Accuracy (m)

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From the north. The remains of the small church and two of the three cairns, the northeast and southeast ones.

Gleann Cholm Cille is famous for its "Turas", the journey, the path that people follow from one station to the other one during their pilgrimage done between June 9th and August 15th. The round of the stations is about 3 km long. The stations are both in the village and outside the village.

This is the fifth station of the Turas. It's a rectangular small church inside an earthen circular bank or enclosure. The church measures 7.50 metres by 4.90 metres with walls 75 centimetres thick. What remains isn't taller than 1.30 metres from the ground. The structure has a 70 centimetres wide doorway in the east-southeast (115°) wall.
In the northeast (70°) corner is a small ambry in the wall with a round stone probably used as a curing stone. In the same corner, on the ground, is a lying slab which is said to be St. Columba's bed.
Still inside the bank, to the northeast, southeast and south of the church there are three small cairns which are topped with ancient cross slabs.
The northeast cairn has a roughly cross-shaped stone slab.
The southeast cairn has a cross-shaped slab with very short arms. The northwest face, looking at the small church, has geometric motifs, though they are now very worn out. The other side is plain.
The south cairn has a vertical thick slab with some kind of carving on its northish side, but maybe because of the poor light or because it has faded away, I wasn't able to make it out.

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