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Year 2003 (46)

(September 7th – September 28th) - The year of the GPS
This was the first year when I used a GPS receiver to track my routes and to gather geographic information of the sites I was visiting.
This one was also the first time we went to Ireland after summer and I have to say that the atmosphere was even more magic than the usual. We had very little rain and very much fun. I rate this travel as one of the best so far.

Year 2006 (80)

(May 2nd – May 24th) - The year of the almost endless rain
We stayed in Ireland for three weeks, but most of this time it rained and we remember that a woman apologized to us for the bad weather. We focused mainly on Northern Ireland and the southwest counties.

Year 2007 (62)

(June 13th – June 25th) - The year of the endless rain
This time we focused on the southeast counties, the Sunny Southeast. We realized that we always left them back for a reason or another. We wanted to see the most of them because we knew it well that they have a lot to offer.
It rained every single minute of every day, and it rained so much that we had to skip many of the places we had on our list. This was also the year we experienced the worst welcome to Ireland ever. People were quite cold and hostile, almost bothered by tourists’ presence.

Year 2009 (90)

(May 17th – June 6th) - The year of my first sheela-na-gig
I saw my first sheela-na-gig during this trip and I was quite excited when we found it. This trip can be described as split in two.
One half of the holiday was spent in Northern Ireland, the other half was spent in the central counties.
One half of the holiday was cold and wet, the other half was hot and dry.

Year 2010 (109)

(May 23rd – June 12th) - The year of the sun
I think that almost nobody can say they have seen Ireland in a weather like the one we found this year. Sun and warm, a perfect mix! We also met very friendly people and we had the honor to meet and know an important and famous person who works in the music and movie industry! What a pleasure!
This is also the year when we decided to visit minor places rather than famous ones and we feel proud of it.

Year 2011 (124)

(May 21st – June 12th) - The year of the wind
Wind, wind and more wind. A cold and strong wind was our faithful companion during the first half of this holiday. A real torment that made the trip a nightmare!
For the first time we followed a twisted itinerary. Rather than driving in a clockwise or anticlockwise way around the island, we tried an itinerary that could look like an “8”, from Dublin to west, then to north and northeast, down to south across the Midlands and the southeast and back to Dublin.
For a reason that escapes me, this travel was mostly concentrated on medieval monuments rather than prehistoric. This unbalanced the monuments database.

Year 2012 (67)

(September 1st – September 15th) - The year of the new GPS
This was the second time we went to Ireland in September, and again we found a wonderful and mild weather. It’s too little for a statistic but we can say that September turned out to be one of the best months in the year to go to Ireland.
I had a new GPS receiver during this trip, much more sensitive. It changed my life.
We fell in the same error as the year before and our visits were much more oriented to the medieval monuments.

Year 2013 (119)

(June 8th - June 30th) - The year of the three R's
The three R's, Relax, Revisiting, Rain. Mainly Relax, we decided not to rush during this trip, we took our time. Revisiting most of the monuments that we visited before 2003 was an attempt of this trip. Rain, we had lots of it, especially in the first week.

Year 2014 (119)

(May 24th - June 13th) - The year of Dublin
After many trips to Ireland we thought it was about time we dedicate some time to the capital city. In and around Dublin we spent the first three days, absolutely worthwhile. We spent the rest of our time to explore many hidden treasures all over the country, with interesting discoveries that we weren't aware of and several revisitings. Fruitful trip, fair weather overall.

Year 2015 (157)

(June 13th - July 3rd) - The year of the great(est) experiences
During this trip we've made things, seen places, lived experiences and met people that we'd never thought of!
This has been a real enriching travel, unrivalled so far.

Year 2016 (117)

(June 4th - June 26th) - The year of the incredible places
This year we went to places that we'd never dreamed of. Some of them were unknown to us and probably to many. The weather was a bit unfriendly, though.

Year 2017 (158)

(June 1st - June 23rd) - The year of the constant grey cloud above us
For the whole time of our trip, we had a constant grey, dull, overcast sky above our heads. We also had some rain, and a bit of sunshine too, but the grey...
However we also visited the highest number of sites ever!

Year 2018 (172)

(June 1st - June 22nd) - The year of Donegal International Rally
We had a wonderful experience during this travel, we met new people, saw places that I had in my wish list for years, saw places I didn't know there were, and saw much more places than any other year before. Gorgeous weather in the first ten days, miserable in the second part of the trip.
What really stained this trip was that utter madness that some mindless person dares to call it amusement, the Donegal International Rally. We got stuck in this insane thing. Two days of total craziness that blocked roads and sites in the north of the county. Pure madness!

Year 2019 (158)

(May 23rd - June 15th) - The year of cold and rain... and dogs
Put on your rain gear and remove your sunglasses before browsing these pages.
Though we experienced lots of adventure and saw places I thought I was never able to, I can't say we enjoyed this trip due to the constant bad weather. On certain days the rain was unbelievable, and the temperature went as low as 3°C. As the saying goes, it was raining cats and dogs. We didn't see many cats, but dogs, oww the dogs... A soaked and muddy dog darted into our car during one of those heavy showers and soiled everything. The dog owner arrived and retrieved it, but didn't even apologise.

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